Who We Are?

Our Mission

“Our mission is to be a leading provider of premium seafood products, delivering exceptional quality and taste to customers worldwide. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of food safety and sustainability, ensuring the well-being of our customers, employees, and the environment. Through continuous improvement, investment in advanced technology, and expansion into new markets, we aim to exceed customer expectations and establish Jahanabad Sea Foods Ltd. as a global leader in the seafood industry.”

About us

Jahanabad Sea Foods Ltd. is a well-established seafood processing company that commenced operations in 1996. Located in the southeastern corner of Bangladesh, our strategic position provides us with close proximity to major shrimp harvesters and suppliers, as well as abundant fisheries resources, allowing us to source the freshest and highest-quality seafood products on a daily basis.

As a company committed to quality and food safety, we adhere to strict Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) guidelines throughout our production processes. This ensures that all our frozen raw shrimps, cooked shrimp products, white fishes, and other seafood products meet the highest standards of safety and quality. Our dedication to excellence has led to the attainment of HACCP, ISO, and BRC certifications, validating our commitment to producing safe and reliable food products.

One of our most renowned brands is SEAGOLD, which has gained recognition and popularity worldwide. We take immense pride in the fact that our factory has achieved several export trophies from the Government of Bangladesh for being the largest and highest exporter of frozen fish from the country. These accolades are a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing top-quality seafood to our valued customers.

To ensure the freshness and quality of our products, we have invested in modern and advanced machinery and technology. With a freezing capacity of 30 metric tons per day, we utilize state-of-the-art equipment such as IQF machines, blast freezers, plate freezers, and flake ice machines. Additionally, our facility is equipped with three generators to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply, enabling us to maintain optimal production conditions at all times.

At Jahanabad Sea Foods Ltd., we prioritize food safety and have established our own microbiological laboratory. This facility is equipped with the necessary instruments and manned by well-trained personnel who are directly involved in our daily operations. Through rigorous testing and analysis, we ensure that our products meet the highest safety standards and provide peace of mind to our customers.

In line with our commitment to sustainability, we are conscious of our responsibility to respect the environment. We strive to minimize the environmental impact of our activities and employ sustainable practices throughout our operations. By implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and ensuring full traceability, we meet the satisfaction of our customers while maintaining our dedication to sustainability.

Our dedication to quality, safety, and sustainability has garnered international recognition. We are proud to hold an EU Approval Number (KLN-02) and US FDA Registration Number (13889119630), further attesting to our compliance with international standards and regulations.

At Jahanabad Sea Foods Ltd., we are driven by a passion for excellence, and our mission is to provide the finest seafood products to customers worldwide. We continuously strive to improve our processes, expand our product range, and explore new markets. With our commitment to quality, adherence to food safety guidelines, and investment in cutting-edge technology, we are poised for continued success and growth in the global seafood industry.

We welcome the opportunity to serve you with our exceptional seafood products and invite you to experience the excellence of Jahanabad Sea Foods Ltd.

Extraordinary Experiences

While the concept of “extraordinary experiences” can vary depending on the context and industry, for Jahanabad Sea Foods Ltd., it could refer to the following aspects:

  1. Culinary Excellence: We strive to provide customers with extraordinary culinary experiences by offering seafood products of exceptional quality, freshness, and taste. Our commitment to sourcing the finest ingredients and employing skilled chefs and culinary experts ensures that our products elevate dining experiences and delight taste buds.

  2. Product Innovation: We continuously explore new flavors, textures, and product offerings to surprise and captivate our customers. Through innovative approaches to seafood processing and product development, we aim to introduce unique and exciting options that enhance culinary creativity and provide unforgettable dining moments.

  3. Sustainability Education: We go beyond providing seafood products by engaging and educating our customers about sustainable fishing practices, responsible sourcing, and the importance of preserving marine ecosystems. By raising awareness and promoting sustainable seafood choices, we offer customers the opportunity to make informed decisions and contribute to a more sustainable future.

  4. Interactive Experiences: We seek to engage our customers through interactive experiences that immerse them in the world of seafood. This could include activities such as seafood cooking classes, virtual tours of our facilities, or immersive storytelling about the journey of our seafood products from ocean to plate. These experiences create a deeper connection between customers and our brand.

  5. Cultural Appreciation: Seafood is often deeply intertwined with local cultures and traditions. We aim to celebrate and showcase the rich cultural heritage associated with seafood consumption. By highlighting regional seafood specialties, traditional cooking techniques, and cultural festivities, we offer customers the chance to experience the diverse and vibrant culinary world of seafood.

  6. Exceptional Customer Service: We prioritize providing exceptional customer service that goes above and beyond expectations. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are trained to assist customers in selecting the perfect seafood products, offering cooking tips, and ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience throughout their interactions with our company.

By focusing on these aspects, Jahanabad Sea Foods Ltd. can create extraordinary experiences that not only meet the needs and desires of customers but also leave a lasting impression and build loyalty for our brand.

Our Core Values


  • Quality: We are dedicated to delivering the highest quality seafood products to our customers. We prioritize excellence in every aspect of our operations, from sourcing the freshest ingredients to employing rigorous quality control measures throughout our production processes.
  • Food Safety: We adhere to the strictest food safety standards and guidelines, ensuring that our products meet and exceed regulatory requirements. We prioritize the health and well-being of our customers by maintaining a robust food safety management system and conducting regular testing and analysis in our microbiological laboratory.
  • Sustainability: We are committed to responsible and sustainable practices in all aspects of our business. We strive to minimize our environmental impact by implementing sustainable sourcing methods, reducing waste, and conserving resources. We actively support the protection and preservation of fisheries and marine ecosystems for future generations.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We strive to understand and meet their needs and expectations by providing exceptional products and services. We value long-term relationships and actively seek feedback to continuously improve and enhance the customer experience.
  • Integrity and Ethics: We conduct our business with the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct. We are committed to honest and fair practices in all our interactions, whether with customers, suppliers, employees, or the communities in which we operate.
  • Innovation: We embrace innovation and continuously seek new ways to improve our processes, products, and services. We invest in cutting-edge technology and encourage a culture of creativity and continuous learning among our employees.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: We believe in the power of teamwork and collaboration. We foster a supportive and inclusive work environment where employees are encouraged to share ideas, collaborate across departments, and work together towards common goals. We value diversity and recognize that our collective strength lies in our people.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: We are committed to making a positive impact on society. We actively engage in community development initiatives, support local initiatives, and contribute to the well-being of our employees and the communities in which we operate.
  • By embracing these core values, Jahanabad Sea Foods Ltd. can create a strong foundation for ethical, sustainable, and successful business practices.